Jen said that maybe I should explain to my new friends why one of my ears looks funny in some pictures. See when I was about two months old I got into a fight with a ferocious squirrel. He got my ear, but I got his life...just kidding. When I met Jen and Frank I had already been to the V-E-T and been fixed and had my shots. That crazy V-E-T also clipped one of my ears. He said its because I was feral and anyone else that found me would see my ear and know that I had already been fixed. Jen called my grandhuman who used to work for a V-E-T and she said she'd never heard of such a thing. But the deed was done. When I came to live here my little clipped ear was infected. Jen and Frank had to put medicine on it to make it better. It doesn't bother me now...actually I think it gives me character.