Today, Jen has asked to borrow my blog to participate in the Mom Meme. She was tagged by Sue,
Wally, Ernie and Zoey's mom. I thought about telling her no, but changed my mind. She does feed me
after all...
Thanks Tuck. I promise you can have the blog back tomorrow!
So the rules of the meme are:
“Either (1) post 7 facts about yourself AND photos OR (2) post 10 facts about yourself with no photos, OR (3) post a childhood picture of yourself.” I've selected #1.
First, here's a photo that was taken last weekend at a balloon festival. No idea why we decided to have the picture taken with the line of
PortaPottys in the background.

1. I was born and raised in West Virginia and moved to New Jersey after college. I still miss home.
2. I'll be 30 in a few months. I'm really dreading it. I spent the first few years in my 20s wishing for 30 because I thought it sounded respectable. In the last three years I realized that I'm not ready to be done with the 20s yet.
3. I love to read and I do it freakishly fast. Sometimes I'll read three or four books in a day (If I have the books and nothing else to do.) I even reread books if I'm really desperate. My favorites are Harry Potter, the Sookie Stackhouse series and mystery books.
4. If I'm in a really bad mood, or despressed, I like to bake. There's something comforting about it.
5. I love the beach, but hate the ocean. I watched Jaws too many times when I was young. I have this unrealistic idea that if I go in the water above my knees that I'm done for. I also can't stay on the beach for too long. I start to blister.
6. I don't watch many television shows. I love True Blood and American Idol, but other than that I stick with HGTV and the Food Network.
7. I grew up wanting to be a teacher, ended up graduating with a degree in print journalism and spent a year as a newspaper reporter before I switched careers.
Now I'm supposed to tag other bloggers, so I'm going to tag
Zeus' mom,
Chey's mom,
Adele, Bella and Vincent's mom,
Pemberley's mom,
JB's mom and
Jas' mom.