Monday, March 8, 2010

Workin' for a Livin'

It's been a crazy few weeks over at my neighborhood.  My human always works late hours, but suddenly, she was working very late hours...she was up and out early and not home until very late.  A big project she said.  When she was home, I only wanted to cuddle with her.  Then suddenly, she packed a bag and was off to this place...


Thankfully, it was a quick trip.  She left late Monday evening and was back in Jersey on Wednesday morning!  She said it was very exhausting and all she wanted to do was sleep.  Back to work that same day though!  
Then there was a cold...too much work makes my human sick, I think.  Now, it appears that things are returning to normal.  I hope at least!  I think I'll have a little weed to celebrate...


 Hey, what did ya think I meant??


  1. We hate it when Moms are busy! We're glad you had some weed to console yourself though :)

  2. Tuck! Be careful there, buddy...we don't want you to get addicted!!

  3. MOL...yep...our mom thought THAT! Hoping your mommy doesn't get sick.

  4. It's always discombobulating when our humans are working too hard! They should be looking after us instead!

  5. We've been missing you, but we're glad everything is okay with you...yummy grass!

  6. Nom nom nom!! Hopefully work will calm down a little for your human!

  7. Yummy cat grass!

    We hope your mom doesn't have to work so hard now. It's tough when they're not around to give us the love and cuddles and play time we want!

  8. Will it help your human to share that weed with her? Nom, nom! I hope her work project was successful.
    Good to see you back on the CB.
    ~Lisa Co9T

  9. MOL, Tuck, you are a total hoot!!!!! We hope your mom will be able to slow down now and spend more time with you.

  10. I think your human need some rest, sometimes humans are not able to stop and just do nothing, like dogs and cats do.

  11. It does seem crazy busy lately .. is it something in the pollen ?

  12. I hope that she feels better and slows down so that you get the attention that you deserve!

  13. Humans, they're uncorrectable.

    We'd like some of that weed!

  14. Glad your Mom is back=hope you got extra cuddles and treats!...That weed looks good!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  15. Hey Tuck, glad to see all is well with you. We had a worry-worry, but we knows how that work thing is. Mommy has to go to work for that dude Cly Ant sometimes too.
    Is always good when mommies come back though.
    Take care, and don't over do the grass.

  16. Nice grass to pacify.. Mum says she knows just how your mum feels.. Hugs GJ xx

  17. That weed looks good. Maybe you let your mum have some to help her relax.

  18. Oh, Tuck! We were worried about you, furriend! We were wondering if you and your family are okay! We missed you:)
    Pee Ess: Please take extra good care of your Mom:)

  19. Nommy nom nom....we're glad you got some good grass out of the deal. Sorry your mom is working so hard, The Mommy has been doing that too but not quite as bad as yours. Hope she's feeling better!

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  20. Ah, yes, kitty weed makes everything betters!

  21. We figured something was up when you didn't get back to the contestants in your Cat-o-lympics category. We sure hope things have calmed down for your mom and she does not get sick! Take good care of her.

  22. Glad your human came back. Hope she brought you back something good, and that you get some good snuggle time soon. :)
