BlogPaws is the first ever conference for pet bloggers. It's being held in Columbus, OH on April 9th and 10th. Jen was going to go no matter what, but one of her clients at work is now going to be a sponsor, so she said that she is twice as excited now.
For everyone who doesn't know, BlogPaws is a chance for pet bloggers to meet face-to-face and then join in discussions about their pets, blogging and how to make a difference in the world. And speaking of making a difference, attendees get to vote on their favorite rescue charity and the top two will receive all the profits from the conference!
Has anyone else decided to go?
On another note, my good friend Parker needs some help. Her favorite charity can win $10,000 in a video contest, but they need people to vote. Please visit http://extraordinarymeasuresthemovie.com/#/quilt and vote for the video titled 7000 Stories by Trish. You'll be helping Wayside Waifs, a rescue organization that helps thousands of kitties and woofies a year!