Today I went to the V-E-T. It was the first time that I had been since they clipped my ear, stole my manhood and stuck me with a needle. Jen wasn't sure that I'd had all my shots and she wanted me to have a check up. So in I went. I was in my carrier and there was a couple in the waiting room worried that their woofies would scare me. Please. They had two tiny little things, barely bigger than me. They clearly had no clue who they were talking to. I was born in a barn with horses and sometimes play with my Golden Retriever cousins. I am fierce and will not be frightened by a cute little pup.
Finally, I was called back in a little room where I was violated! They took a thermometer and stuck it...well, you can imagine where. And Jen held me while they did it. Dreadful lady she is (I'll remember this.) Then they stole my blood, injected me with some sort of liquid and promised to see me in three weeks. I am not happy.
On the bright side, I am thrilled to report that I am quickly progressing in my quest to become a mancat. I now weigh in at a whopping 9 pounds and the V-E-T told Jen that I am the perfect weight for my size. At least someone admits that I am perfect.
I've asked Jen to post a picture showing how grown up I am starting to look...