Saturday, April 4, 2009

Visiting the V-E-T

Today I went to the V-E-T. It was the first time that I had been since they clipped my ear, stole my manhood and stuck me with a needle. Jen wasn't sure that I'd had all my shots and she wanted me to have a check up. So in I went. I was in my carrier and there was a couple in the waiting room worried that their woofies would scare me. Please. They had two tiny little things, barely bigger than me. They clearly had no clue who they were talking to. I was born in a barn with horses and sometimes play with my Golden Retriever cousins. I am fierce and will not be frightened by a cute little pup.

Finally, I was called back in a little room where I was violated! They took a thermometer and stuck it...well, you can imagine where. And Jen held me while they did it. Dreadful lady she is (I'll remember this.) Then they stole my blood, injected me with some sort of liquid and promised to see me in three weeks. I am not happy.

On the bright side, I am thrilled to report that I am quickly progressing in my quest to become a mancat. I now weigh in at a whopping 9 pounds and the V-E-T told Jen that I am the perfect weight for my size. At least someone admits that I am perfect.

I've asked Jen to post a picture showing how grown up I am starting to look...


  1. Sorry about all the torture you were subjected to, Tuck!

    You do indeed look very grown-up in that picture, and 9lb is getting to be seriously mancatly!

    What's this about a clipped ear?

    Your Friends,
    Tommy and The Girls

  2. We can't stand going to the V-E-T! Yes, you are really looking very handsome, Tuck:) Just think, on your first birthday you get to join the ManCat Club!

  3. Visits to vets are scary! I totally understand. I had many visits last year because my spay day didn't go too well. *Cringe at the thought of being probed...

    But you definitely handled it very well. I am so proud of you. Ohhh...and yes, you are looking good too! Have a great weekend!

  4. I hate the vet but fortunately my vet uses a device that goes in my ear to take the temperature. Thank heavens for civilization!

  5. VET is boo! I hate it too! Yes Tuck, u are growing up! :)

  6. You are turning into such a handsome mancat!

  7. Not only are you growing into a mancat Tuck, but a very good looking mancat indeed. And we know good looking, after all we are too ... hee hee!
    Purrs and headbutts,
    Sam and Simon
    Pee Ess ... In my girl's opinion, you are handsome, as my furriend Parker just said too!

  8. Tuck, you look very mancatly indeed! Vet visits are never fun but we're glad everything turned out okay so far.

  9. You are growing up to be a very handsome mancat.

  10. Oh the indignity you hadta suffer, Tuck! But we do think you're growing into a fine mancat!

  11. You deserve extra cuddles, poor baby.


  12. My Jax goes to the vet to become ballless and clawless on Wednesday :)

    Want to win a free bed for your cat or other great toys?

    Visit- for details

    Jenny & Jax

  13. You is lookings more like a grown up mancat Tuck! I wanted to comes thank you for the comment and the concats on winning our long hard battle. I has to say you were a cute kitten and it was a very close fight. I thinks all of us are cute and we should all win! Sorry you hads to go to the VET. I hads to go to on Friday.

  14. Sorry about all the indignities of going to the vet, but I am very glad that you are healthy. You are growing into quite a handsome mancat.

  15. We remember from Huffle's post about the v-e-t where they stick that thermometer. Tuck, we are so sorry to hear you had to go to that place. Glad to hear everything is fine, and that is one handsome update picture from Jen, You're going to have all the little girl kitties checking you out.

  16. VETS stink don't they? But you are growing into a fine mancat!

  17. Ah, but look at the fine and sleek Mancat you are turning into! We wanted to vote for you in the Kitty Fight Club but you were up against Minchie's girlfriend and we had to vote for her. But we were very torn!

  18. We really like that photo, Tuck! We're sorry about the V.E.T. visit, but congratulations on being the right weight for your size - wish we could say the same :) (Franklin is the only one of us that can say that...) Mom says you look a lot like her beloved mancat, Fletcher, in that photo.

  19. We hate the v-e-t too...they do such barbaric things to you and then they try and be nice..."such a good kitty"...yeah right. You are growing to be quite the handsome mancat!

  20. We are very sorry to hear you had to go to the Vet, and again in 3 weeks, Tuck. That is always No Fun! You are quite right about being perfect and a very handsome Mancat!

  21. Wow, Tuck, you really ARE looking growned up.

  22. I am catching up on reading your blog, Tuck! I am sorry they stuck a thermometer in your you-know-what. I hope you gave them a few swipes with your manly Fingernails!

  23. Oh Tuck, I hate the v-e-t. When I see Mom bring the carrier out of the basement, I know I'm in trouble. I HATE that place! Mom always tries to make be feel better, but I just can't wait to get back in my carrier and go back home!

  24. You're looking very mancatly in that photo young Tuck!

  25. You are turning into a very handsome mancat. I have my yearly Vet appointment next week.

  26. Oh no... you got violated at the vet? Poor you... Hope that you feel better by now.

    Adele, Vincent & Bella

  27. They took blood?! We can't believe that. The indignity.
