Friday, April 30, 2010

Finally Friday!!

Let me tell you...I'm happy about two things today...'s finally Friday!!

And's green outside my window again!  YAY!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Mancat Monday: Give Back My Furs!

My humans stole my furs!  I've heard of this horrible practice from friends, but I had never experienced it.  Then this weekend, my humans stole them from me.

In the beginning, I didn't know what they were doing and it seemed nice.

I even stretched out and was enjoying it.

Then, I looked over, saw how they were collecting my furs and I started to get suspicious.

I knew I had to do something about it.

So I began to fight for my furs. They wouldn't steal any more of them without a battle.

It was an epic match, but in the end I was outnumbered by the humans.

When it was over, I mourned by furs by rolling in them.  My humans are evil.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

BlogPaws Part II

As promised, I have a couple more photos my human took at BlogPaws. I am highly annoyed that she didn't take more. She got to meet several of your moms and where are the photos?? She didn't have the camera with her half the time...such a moron!

Here is my human holding Flat Skeezix. Seriously, she is a such a dork, how is it that she gets to meet Flat Skeezix and I don't?

This is a picture of Romeo's mom, Jen, Donna (from Lipsticking blog) and the Mewmie from FurryDance.

She thought she had a group shot of all the cat bloggers, but then remembered that it wasn't on her camera.  Hopefully, someone else will post that photo and she can borrow it!  But she got to meet so many cool people at BlogPaws including: Mom Robyn, Parker's Mommy, Baby Patches' Mommy, Skeezix's Food Lady, the Mom from Furry Bambinos and the Mom from Meir Cats

She had lunch with Baby Patches' mom and they talked all about the blogs and us kitties too of course!  Then, on Saturday night, she hung out at the bar until late at night talking to the Mewmie from FurryDance!  Such a great time!  She hopes to see all of you at BlogPaws 2011!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Back From BlogPaws!

My human is back from BlogPaws!  She told me all about it and it sounds absolutely amazing.  I demanded to go purrsonally next year.  She said we'll see.  Apparently, I need to learn how to walk on the leash and not hide from new people...I'll try to work on that...

Jen got to meet some of my furriends and some moms too!  She met Brighton and Disco from FurryDance.  She was so excited to meet them!

Check out their Pink Catillac!  How cool is that!
Everybody wanted to pet Brighton!  Disco had hopped back up in the Pink Catillac...

Disco and Brighton (and their Mewmie Teri) sent me a swag bag.  Thanks guys!  You rock!

As you can see, I couldn't wait to check it out!

Jen has some photos of the awesome cat blogger moms she met, but we will share those tomorrow...they deserve their own post!

BlogPaws 2010 sounds like it was so much fun.  There were fantastic speakers and seminars (Jen actually spoke at one...can you human talking in front of people?  She promised that she did not embarrass me and that she did show everyone a handsome, mancatly photo of me!)  I told my human that now she is armed with knowledge on how to make my blog better that I'm expecting her to step it up a more of this slacking nonsense!

So stay tuned tomorrow when we post about all the humans that we (I mean Jen, because I wasn't allowed to go) met at the conference!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Headed to BlogPaws!

My human is heading to BlogPaws bright and early tomorrow morning (YAY!!)  I'm usually upset when she leaves, but this is for a good reason, so I will allow it.  Jen will be doing double duty there as a blogger and also for work.   She will be speaking on a panel about product reviews (she's a little nervous) and will also be helping with the table for her client Del Monte...they are a sponsor.  So if your human is going to BlogPaws too, be sure to tell them to stop by and say hello!   I'll make sure that she files a full report when she gets back!

I'm speaking at BlogPaws 2010 badge

Wednesday, April 7, 2010