My human has been so very, very lazy. Not sick, just incompetent. She said she wass busy at work and then busy shopping. Now, she has gone away. So I am dictating this blog to her from many miles away. I have so much to tell, but will start with sweet, sweet justice. My West Virginia cousin helped punish my human for being such a bad blogger. When I told him about what she was doing, he promised to get her back. And oh boy, did he. Yesterday, he climbed up on her pink duffel bag and left her a little present. And then, for good measure, he smeared it in. Here is a picture of my new hero:
Three cheers for Bigfoot!
I asked the woofie there in the West Virginia house to also make my human pay for being so bad. She has been waking her up early every morning. Thanks Woofie!
The human has promised me that tomorrow she will help me post about my Secret Paws package. I also have much to tell you about my NJ cousins who I am staying with! See you all tomorrow furriends!!