Monday, August 31, 2009

It's My Birthday!

I am finally a ManCat!! I was so surprised when I woke up this morning and saw that we are all set for a pawty! So all of you come on over...we have lots of good stuff...

There a fine vintage catnip wine sent to me by my furriends Maggy and Zoey (and their human Ann)...anycat want a glass?  These sweet ladies also helped Jen decorate for the pawty...doesn't it look great?

And of course we have ham...

And turkey...

And Salmon...

There's lettuce for those of you kitties that love the green stuff...

For dessert we have vanilla ice favorite!

For all the ManCats and LadyCats, we have niptinis...

And then milk for the kittens...

And for everycat we have catnip bubbles...yay!

I hope you all had a great time...what is that? Somecat sent me a present?  What could it be?

It's a special card from Chilli...oh, I'm so excited!! Do you think this means that she likes me
as much as I like her?
This has been the best purrthday ever...thank you all for coming to celebrate with me!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

A New Furriend

Happy Friday!  I want to introduce you all to a new furriend!  As many of you know, Drebin still hasn't come home.  Drebin's human has put up flyers, offered awards, searched the neighborhood and visited the shelter many times.  He is still holding out hope that Drebin will return.  In the meantime, during one of those trips to the shelter he walked past the cage of a little kitten who looked up at him and reached his little paw outside of the cage to him.  The next time he went back looking for Drebin that kitten was still there, still waiting for a human to call his own.  So Drebin's human decided to give him a furever home.  And now, that kitten named Oliver has started a blog!  Please stop by and visit the little guy and please keep purring that Drebin comes home to meet his new brother!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

Mancat (In Training) Monday: Defending My Territory

Today, I report on my final lesson as a Mancat in Training. Next Monday is my graduation and I will finally make my dream come true! So today I will tell you of my most important lesson...the importance of defending your territory. Some will try to attack you and take away what is yours, but you must defend it!

See, I was innocently sitting inside my cubes when suddenly this feather toy appeared. It was trying to invade...
So I gave the toy a little bite to show it who is in charge around these parts.
It went away briefly, as if stunned that I put up a fight. I knew that I must stay alert. It could return at any moment.
Sure enough, the toy again tried to conquer my cubes. I whapped it and showed off my fierce talons, but it still did not learn.
Then, I was forced to use Tuck's jaws of fury. Recognizing defeat, the feather wand retreated. But I know it will return one day...and I will be ready. I have had many long months of training and am ready for my mancat responsibilities. I will defend my cube castle. Perhaps I will request that the humans refer to me as Sir Tuck from now on...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Best Litter in the World...Seriously

For the past month or so I have been testing out World's Best Cat Litter. I was a little doubtful when Jen first brought it home. We have tried several different litters, but there's a reason that I am called Stinky McTuck around this place. Extra strength, Multi-Cat...none of those have held up to me.

Then she brings home this bag of litter and tells me that it's all natural; made just of corn. Hmmm, not so sure but what the heck, I'll give it a try. Then all of a sudden, Jen and Frank stopped yelling and covering their faces when I came out of the litter box. This stuff really does work! There are a few things that kitties have to get use to with this feels a little different on the paws, but it's kinda nice. Also, for all of you that like to drag litter outside of the box, it's not as easy with World's Best Cat Litter.

Jen and I both like the fact that the litter is only made of corn. So it's completely safe and doesn't have all that gross dust when you open the bag and pour it into the litter box. I told Jen that she isn't allowed to come home with anything other than World's Best Cat Litter from now on. After all, don't I deserve the best? I'm a cat! Besides...that cat on the bag looks a little like me!

One last thing! If you are interested in trying World's Best Cat Litter, the company is offering a $4 off for all the kitties on the cat blogosphere Just visit here before August 29th!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Mancat (In Training) Monday: Everything is a Toy

I have many toys, but I don't always want to play with them. Those are the times when I go exploring. I have found that just about anything in this apartment can be a toy if I want it to be. Take for example this little candle display...

See all the rocks pushed to one side? When Jen went to bed the rocks were scattered all around the candles. During the night I pushed them all to one corner. They look better that way I think.
Then, I discovered that I can use my paw to push the rocks out of the dish.
You have to select the perfect rock though!
This one looks just right!
Knock the rock onto the floor...
And it's a great toy. It rolls around easily and makes lots of noise on the floor, so it's sure to wake up anyone that may be sleeping!

Friday, August 14, 2009

My Visitors are Gone

I've had visitors the last few days. Jen's parents and nephew came up to visit. I spent the first day they were here hiding under the bed. After that, I realized that they weren't so bad. The adult humans would pet me, but the little human was different; I was scared of him. He wanted to play with me and hold me, but there was just something different about him. He was small and was always running and jumping. It made me a little nervous. I did let him get a picture with me his last night here though. Then he chased me when I jumped down. I slept all day yesterday after they left. I was just exhausted...

See, I let him hold me long enough for a picture, but that was it.

After I jumped down, he followed me. I did like him even though he made me nervous. He spent a lot of time letting me chase my laser mouse!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

World Cat Day

Happy World Cat Day!! This is a special day to celebrate all of us fabulous felines and remember those who are at the bridge.

In my honor, Jen has posted her favorite picture of me. She said it shows my true personality. I admit, I like to cuddle.

I would like to mention a few that came before me who Jen is thinking about today. She had kitties when she was growing up. Tuffy, Puff, Dizzy and Boo were all very special cats who are waiting at the Bridge. Jen doesn't have any pictures on her computer to share, but I know that they were all lovely. Tuffy and Boo were black cats, while Puff and Dizzy were Meezers.

So to all of you kitties, and to all of you humans thinking of those that came before us, I wish you a Happy World Cat Day!!

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this." - Anonymous

Friday, August 7, 2009

A Pearl

My buddies over at the Island Cats gave me an award yesterday. They passed along the “Your Blog is a Pearl” Award! Thank Wally, Ernie and Zoey!!

I'm supposed to pass this award on to six bloggers, but it's so hard to decide because I love all my furiends! But, I will do my duty and pass it along to...

Dobby, Franklin and Tasha
Tristan and Crikey
Siena and Chilli
Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III

P.S. For everyone who has been asking, Drebin has not returned home yet. His human is very, very worried about him.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Mancat (In Training) Monday: I'm Everywhere

I make it my mission to be everywhere that my humans are in the apartment. If they are in the kitchen, I'm on the microwave. The living room? I'll hang in the window, or my hammock or behind the TV. So yesterday, Jen was changing the sheets. She opened the cedar chest, briefly walked out of the room and bam, there I am; sitting in the cedar chest when she returns. It's very important to keep tabs on the humans at all times. That are very sneaky. You never know what they are going to do.

It's only four more weeks until I become a mancat!!

P.S. Thank you all for your purrs for Drebin. Please keep them going. He's still not home...