As many of you know, I love lettuce. Until recently it was my favorite treat. That is, until I discovered a yummy little breakfast snack. I always try to steal milk when my humans are having cereal, but the other day I got a whiff of something else. Something delicious. What was it you ask? I'll show you.

That's right. Multigrain Cheerios. I don't like them too much when they are dry, but after they soak up a little milk they become little o's of goodness.

I eat them...

And eat some more, until the humans and I finish the bowl. I think they should give me my own bowl, but Jen said something about not wanting to clean up the aftermath. Whatever that means.
On another note, I found out this week that I won the giveaway sponsored by my good friends
Franklin, Dobby and Tasha (and their human Katie)! I am so excited to be the winner! I will be sure to post pictures when the package arrives! My friends have inspired me to do my own giveaway. I feel like I should return the favor. So stay tuned. I'm sending Jen out to the pet store this weekend to pick up some cool stuff!