Monday, June 8, 2009

Mancat (In Training) Monday: It's All About Balance

Many of you experienced mancats have taught me the importance of balance. While I am the mancat (almost) of the house, it's important to balance my training activities with a bit of sweetness. No matter what I do at night or early in the mornings, I always take the time to snuggle with the humans when they get home from work. The first thing I do when one of them walk in is to run over and start pawing at their legs. Then, they pick me up and cuddle with me. This always makes them forget anything I have done which annoyed them.

On Friday, I curled up in Jen's lap when she got home from work.

I got some chin rubs out of it!


  1. You are very wise! I shall try this balance thingy myself ;)

  2. Tuck, this is exactly the point we made on our Mancat Monday post -- that to be a real mancat you must be confident enough to show your softer side as well as your manly side. Well done!

  3. Very wise thing to do. I always run to mum too when she comes home. Homecomming hugs are the best..

    Hugs GJ

  4. You haz da right idea...diversion! Don't let dem remember what is in the past!☺

  5. For a mancat-in-training, are very wise...

  6. You're so cuddly looking in those pictures! I bet the humans can't resist you.

    P.S. Congratulations on winning our giveaway! Mom says she will go to the post office as soon as she can to send you the toys.

  7. You're so wise for your almost year, Tuck. We saw over at Franklin, Dobby, and Tasha's, that you won the giveaway:) Way to go!

  8. You are learning fast Tuck. You will make a very good mancat.

  9. Very good strategic thinking, Tuck, except we can't believe you would EVER be fickle!

    Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan

  10. You've your lessons well grasshopper.

  11. I am taking notes...I don't always balance well. You are very wise for such a young man cat.

  12. It looks like you are just about ready for graduation to a full fledge Mancat Mr. Tuck. You are such a quick learner.


  13. Awwwww... chin's rub is the BEST!!! We are dog but we love it too!!!

    Adele, Vincent & Bella

  14. Looks like you have those beans under your mighty paw!

  15. Have you ever waited for her at the window before? I wait for my girl at the window when she's gone.

    -D'Artagnan, "All for one and one for all!"

  16. Hi Tuck!
    I am learning so much reading your blog! Make sure to check up on how I'm doing and give me more advice!

  17. You are a very handsome almost-mancat, Tuck! We didn't see how old you are, though one of the comments here suggests almost a year? You'll be a heartbreaker to the ladycats as you get older, no doubt.

    Congrats on your giveaway win, we saw that mentioned on the relevant blog (hard to keep them all straight, we're still new and learning everybuddy's names). :)

    Thanks for stopping by our blog and we'll be back to visit you again!

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew
    Bugsy, Sassy, Callie, Roxy, and Pixie, and Their Mommy

  18. Thanks for the visit on our blog! You are very beautiful =)

    Jas & Gi

  19. You are a purrfect ManCat!
    Very handsome, too!
    ~ Anna Sue

  20. I'm Lily Locke's Aunt and she talks so much about this blog, I thought I'd stop by for a visit. The name is so cute - Mr. Tuck's Neighborhood. Adorable.
